
Can Dogs Eat This? What You Need to Know!

Can Dogs Eat This?
Can Dogs Eat This Infographic


Can Dogs Eat This? What You Need to Know! 1
Can Dogs Eat This? What You Need to Know! 2

Answer: Yes, dogs can eat avocados.Warning: Many Vets will tell you that avocados are unsafe to eat because they contain persin, which is toxic to birds. Be sure to remove the pit as it posses a chocking hazard.

For More Information:Can Dogs Eat Avocados?


can dogs eat bacon

Answer: Yes, dogs can eat in moderationWarning: Bacon is high in unhealthy fats and salt which can lead to pancreatitis or salt poisoning. Never give your dog raw bacon.

For More Information:Can Dogs Eat Bacon?



Answer: No, dogs should not drink beerWarning: Alcohol & ethanol are toxic to dogs


are blackberries good for dogs

For More Information: Can dogs eat blackberries?



Answer: Yes, dogs can eat blueberries

For More Information: Can dogs eat blueberries?


sliced bread

Answer: Yes, dogs can eat bread in moderationWarning: Plain white or wheat bread is recommended. Bread containing ingredients such as raisins, garlic or cheese can cause health complications.



Answer: Yes, dogs can eat carrots


cheese puff in a bowl

Answer: Yes, dogs can eat cheetos in moderationWarning: Plain cheese puffs are safer than flavored cheese puffs. They may contain spices that are not safe for dogs. Limit to one or two at any given time to minimize the effects of saturated fats and excessive salts.

For More Information:Can Dogs Eat Cheese Puffs?


Can Dogs Eat This? What You Need to Know! 3
Can Dogs Eat This? What You Need to Know! 4

Answer: No, dogs should not eat chocolateWarning: chocolate contains a particular toxin called theobromine. Dogs are not able to digest or process theobromine.

For More Information:Can Dogs Eat White Chocolate?

Corn on the Cob

corn on the cob

Answer: Yes, dogs can eat corn kernelsWarning: The cob is a choking hazard and should not be given to your dog. Its best to remove the kernels and throw out the cob.


can dogs eat eggs

Answer: Yes, dogs can eat eggs

For More Information:Can Dogs Eat Eggs?


can dogs eat figs

For More Information: Can dogs eat figs?



Answer: Yes, dogs can eat fishWarning: Only feed your dog cooked salmon and be sure to remove any bones as they are a choking hazard.



Answer: No, dogs should never be given garlicWarning: Onions, garlic and other members of the allium family of foods, contain thiosulfate

For More Information: Can dogs eat garlic?



Answer: Grapes and raisins are toxic to dogsWarning: Eating grapes can cause acute kidney failure, which can prove lethal without immediate treatment. Other symptoms of grape toxicity are vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, dehydration, and anuria. 

Greek Yogurt

can dogs eat greek yogurt

Answer: Yes, dogs can eat greek yogurt, in moderationWarning: Some breeds of dogs can be highly sensitive to milk and milk products. Giving your dog a small amount of greek yogurt is a great way to provide the probiotic benefits and aids in digestion. 

For More Information:Can Dogs Eat Greek Yogurt?

Ice Cream

bowl of ice cream

Answer: Yes, dogs can eat ice cream in moderationWarning: Some breeds of dogs can be highly sensitive to milk and milk products. If you feel the need to treat your dog to ice cream, plain vanilla is best. Be sure that it’s not sweetened with xylitol which is extremely toxic to dogs. 


is jello safe for dogs

For More Information: Can dogs eat Jello?

Lemons & Limes

lemon & lime

Answer: No, dogs should not eat lemons or limesWarning: Like grapefruits and other members of the citrus family, lemons and limes are toxic to dogs, due to psoralens and essential oils.

Maple Syrup

can dogs eat maple syrup

Answer: Yes, dogs can eat maple syrup in moderationWarning: Excessive consumption of high sugar foods can lead to obesity and diabetes. Maple flavored syrups come in xylitol sweeteners for diabetics and should be never be given to dogs. These types of sweeteners are toxic to dogs.

For More Information:Can Dogs Eat Maple Syrup?

Raw Meat

raw beef

Answer: Yes, dogs can eat raw meat with a few precautions.Warning: Raw beef, turkey are safe for dogs. Pork may contain parasites and must be fully cooked.

For More Information:Can Dogs Eat Raw Meat?



Answer: Yes, dogs can drink milk in moderationWarning: Just like humans, some dogs are highly sensitive to lactose.

For More Information:Can Dogs Drink Almond Milk?



Answer: Yes, dogs can eat mushroom under some restrictionsWarning: Only give your dog store bought white mushrooms. Wild mushrooms could be toxic to your dog.

For More Information:Can dogs eat mushrooms?


are oranges good for dogs

Answer: Yes, dogs can eat oranges in moderationWarning: Only give your dog a couple slices at a time. Remove the rine and seeds as they can cause stomach upset or discomfort.

For More Information:Can Dogs Eat Oranges?

Oreo Cookies

oreo cookies

For More Information: Can dogs eat Oreos?



Answer: No, dogs should never eat onionsWarning: Onions contain thiosulfate that is toxic to canines

For More Information: Can dogs eat Onions?

Bell Peppers

bell peppers

Answer: Yes, dogs can eat bell peppersWarning: Bell peppers are a perfectly safe for dogs to eat

For More Information:Can Dogs Eat Red Peppers?

For More Information:Can Dogs Eat Green Pepper?

Peanut Butter

can dogs eat peanut butter

Answer: Yes, dogs can eat Peanut Butter in moderationWarning: Only all natural 100% peanuts should be given to your dog. Be aware that many brands use xylitol, which is highly toxic to dogs.

For More Information:Can Dogs Eat Peanut Butter?


can dogs eat pepperoni?

For More Information: Can dogs eat pepperoni?


can dogs eat pickles

For More Information: Can dogs eat Pickles?



Answer: Yes, dogs can eat pineapple in moderationWarning: The natural sugars in pineapples can cause an upset stomach or diarrhea after moderate amounts are ingested, treat sizes should be limited to only a few slices a day.



For More Information: Can dogs eat Pizza?



Answer: No, dogs should never eat pomegranateWarning: Dogs that eat pomegranate tend to get stomach aches or vomit. pomegranate consists of seeds, which are hard to digest.

Wild Rice

can dogs eat wild rice

Answer: Yes, dogs can eat wild riceWarning: Wild rice is a standard filler for gourmet wet dog foods. Feel safe to add a small amount to your dogs dry or wet food.

For More Information:Can Dogs Eat Wild Rice?


can dogs eat salami

For More Information: Can dogs eat Salami?


can dogs eat raw salmon?

For More Information: Can dogs eat Salmon?



Answer: No, dogs should not eat salt or food high in saltWarning: If your dog has ingested excessive amounts of salt, the first sign would be your dog will be drinking a lot of water. They may seem overly tired, have a swollen stomach and seem somewhat stiff.

Saltine Crackers

can dogs eat saltine crackers?

For More Information: Can dogs eat saltine crackers?


Can dogs eat shrimp

Answer: Yes, dogs can eat boiled, unseasoned shrimpWarning: Raw shrimp may contain dangerous bacteria that can lead to shellfish toxicity.

For More Information:Can Dogs Eat Shrimp?


can dogs eat spam

Answer: No, dogs should never eat spamWarning: Extremely high in sodium making it potentially toxic to dogs. Never feed your puppy Spam.

For More Information:Can Dogs Eat Spam?



Answer: Yes, dogs can eat strawberries



Answer: Yes, dogs can eat tomatoes in moderationWarning: Add any warnings



Answer: No, dogs should never eat walnutsWarning:



Answer: Yes, dogs can eat watermelonWarning: Add any warnings


I'm a self-employed blogger, life-long pet parent, and lover of dogs. I have always loved animals, especially puppies. So when my family got our first dog 15 years ago, it was love at first sight. We named her Sassy because she was so small, cute, and had a sassy personality! Once we got her home, I wanted to know everything about caring for her, so I researched online. Eventually, this led me to create the PUPPYFAQS website, where I write about nutrition, health, and care of puppies and the latest news in the world of puppies. In my spare time, I volunteer at my local shelter, which is run by volunteers who are passionate about helping homeless dogs find their forever homes. If I'm not working or volunteering for dogs, you can find me spending time with my family, friends, and my puppy. I have been writing professionally online since 2009. In addition to PUPPYFAQS, I also write for several other pet-related publications.

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