
Can Dogs Eat Red Peppers?

can dogs eat red peppers

The simple answer to the question “Can dogs eat red peppers?” is yes. Red Bell Peppers are an excellent source of essential vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber.

Red peppers, whether prepared in a stew of meatballs, topped on your pizza, or diced in your salad is always a tasty addition to any dish. 

safe for dogs to eat

Yes, dogs can eat red peppers.

Red Peppers contain little amounts of saturated fats and cholesterol and are very rich in Vitamin K, Vitamin A and a decent amount of dietary fiber. 

We understand that all dog lovers adore their furry friend and would not have for a second deny them a few goodies. However, hold on, just before you hand over some food with red pepper, there are a few things to note.

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Can Dogs Eat Red Peppers?

Can Dogs Eat Red Peppers? 1

Red pepper can refer to any pepper that is red. Mostly this can either be the red bell pepper or the cayenne pepper. The red bell pepper is a variety of the sweet pepper. The sweet pepper, on the other hand, is a fleshy, tangy vegetable with a mild taste but strong flavor.

Chilli pepper, on the other hand, is a small hot flavored vegetable with a strong smell. They can either be served whole, diced or in ground form. The ground powder is cayenne pepper.

Therefore, the most natural question at this point is:

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So, Can Dogs Really Eat Red Bell Peppers?

Yes. If you feed your furry friend with small servings of red bell peppers every once in a while, then that is fine. It is actually advisable because these bell peppers are rich in essential vitamins and dietary fibers which are great for your dog’s health.

Vitamin A

Red bell peppers are more nutritious than green or yellow peppers. The most significant nutrient in these peppers is beta-carotene which the dog’s body can easily convert to vitamin A. This vitamin is an excellent booster for your animal friend’s vision.


antioxidants for dogs

Another excellent bonus that comes with eating red bell peppers is that dogs have a plentiful supply of antioxidants. These antioxidants work to prevent damage to body cells and therefore improve the immune system. Aside from that, antioxidants help maintain healthy bones, coat the skin as well as the reproductive system.

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Other Vitamins

Other vitamins present in red bell peppers are Vitamins, E and C. Vitamin E gets used in dog shampoo to help maintain a healthy glossy coat. Aside from helping to improve the skin, this vitamin is also vital in developing the dog’s muscles and also healing in case of injuries.

Vitamin C, on the other hand, helps dogs cope with physical stress because of injury or pregnancy. Red bell peppers have considerable amounts of this vitamin. However, you should not be too concerned about Vitamin C as dogs manufacture their own. Check out this article for more detail.

You can grab some dried red bell pepper dices for your dog from Barry Farm on Amazon.

Effects Of Excess Red Bell Pepper

Be careful with the amounts you give your dog, however. Too much red bell pepper and your dog will suffer from diarrhea or some forms of stomach upset which you will need the help of the a low protein dog food. The dog’s digestive system is made to digest raw meat, and therefore you only need to give it moderate amounts of vegetables.

How About Cayenne Pepper?

Can Dogs Eat Red Peppers? 2

  • Even though it is not toxic, dog specialists agree that cayenne powder is still harmful to dogs. Should it come into contact with the dog’s eye, nose areas or even its paws? It will result in a gradual but sharp burning sensation.
  • The cayenne powder can actually offer therapeutic aid to your dog if given in small quantities. The benefits include:
  • Widening of blood vessels, commonly known as vasodilation. The result is an increase in blood flow around the body.
  • The ‘warming up’ effect as a result of widened blood vessels can help dogs which suffer from poor circulation. Maybe this is the solution that your cold-footed puppy needs.
  • When it comes to bleeding, cayenne does an incredible job of helping stop this. It can get applied in tiny quantities on the wound. It does not burn as much as swallowing it.

Here Are A Few Things To Consider About Cayenne:

  • It is a potent irritant which can affect the sensitive nose and eyes of your dog.
  • You should avoid using this powder for dogs which have complications with their urinary systems, kidney or even a sensitive stomach. Spicing up your dog’s food in small quantities is still of benefit to your animal partner. Just make sure you understand your dog, it might or might not like it.

Effects Of Excess Cayenne Pepper

The results of too much cayenne might be stomach upsets and pains or in the worst case, diarrhea. Dogs are also susceptible to internal burns in different areas of their digestive system, for instance, the intestines, stomach, and mouth.

Response To Too Much Red Pepper

So, you might still wonder, “What if my dog has come into contact with a significant amount of cayenne?”

Well firstly that is awful, and we are sorry. If this has happened, you will have to call your veterinarian immediately. If possible let your dog have some water as it could help ease the pain it might be experiencing.

Final word

We have seen the different types of red peppers and their importance to the life of our dogs. If given in moderate quantities, like green peppers, red bell peppers will provide the dog with many benefits such as lots of antioxidants and vitamins which are great for maintaining the immune system and healthy skin. Is it ok to give your puppy treats such as maple syrup, Cheetos or popcorn?

Cayenne, on the other hand, helps improve blood flow.

If you are still wondering, “Can dogs eat red peppers?”, Just know that in excess amounts, peppers could have unpleasant effects on your dog. Therefore, make sure you keep them away from the reach of your beloved animal.

If you have any question or experiences that you would like to share with us, don’t hesitate to write us in the comments section. Otherwise, we hope the information will help you take better care of your dog.


I'm a self-employed blogger, life-long pet parent, and lover of dogs. I have always loved animals, especially puppies. So when my family got our first dog 15 years ago, it was love at first sight. We named her Sassy because she was so small, cute, and had a sassy personality! Once we got her home, I wanted to know everything about caring for her, so I researched online. Eventually, this led me to create the PUPPYFAQS website, where I write about nutrition, health, and care of puppies and the latest news in the world of puppies. In my spare time, I volunteer at my local shelter, which is run by volunteers who are passionate about helping homeless dogs find their forever homes. If I'm not working or volunteering for dogs, you can find me spending time with my family, friends, and my puppy. I have been writing professionally online since 2009. In addition to PUPPYFAQS, I also write for several other pet-related publications.

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