
5 Training Tips to Control Negative Behavior in Dogs

5 training tips to control negative behaviors

Have you ever scolded your puppy for bad behavior, and found no change in him? Probably, there was a change in behavior but only temporarily. We all know modern training techniques no more favor traditional punishing methods to correct the unwanted behavior. 

Most of the times, dogs are unable to understand the reason for punishment and may become afraid of you and hide the negative behavior.

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There are some practical training tips and techniques to control bad behaviors in dogs. Before you implement any of the training hacks, consult the vet for discussing the bad behavior to understand the real cause. Sometimes, the dog shows negative behavior due to a medical issue.

The commonly observed bad behaviors in dogs are jumping up, chewing, digging, and begging. The owners usually address negative behaviors. For tackling the bad behaviors practically, it’s necessary to find the underlying reason.

Chewing on things:

5 training tips to control negative behaviors

Digging is an instinctive habit in hunter group of dog breeds. You can train your fido with a little observation and consistency of command. Hunters are highly trainable dogs. Moreover, dogs have a love for appreciation for each ‘good job done.’ This prior knowledge can make the training process easy.

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You have to discourage your pup when he is ‘in the act of digging.’ Your negative command will make him understand your dislike for his digging habit. After a discouraging remark, you can distract him by providing a toy. Be consistent in your commands.

There’s another way for your pooch to continue the treasure hunt without you getting upset. Just install a sandbox in your yard, and hide some toys in it for the dog to dig out. Appreciate him for digging in that spot, so he may learn the right place to dig out all day long.

Begging for food:

dog begging for treat

Begging is an annoying yet common habit observed in dogs. Mostly, dog owners promote such behaviors in dogs owing to their cute and innocent features. When the visitors are at home, it’s irritating to tend to your pooch’s demands at the dinner table.

To prevent the embarrassment, you have to make rules in the home to not to feed the dog food scraps on the table. If negative behaviors are condoned for long, the problem can escalate into bad behaviors like jumping and whining. 

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Dogs turn stubborn and do not leave your path unless they get what they want. However, they can be distracted with favorite toys, mental games, and indoor games.

The biggest mistake I made was teaching Sassy to beg for food. She has learned that she can beg for anything like food, going outside for a pee, toys, etc. It was fun to teach, but now it has gotten out of control.

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Digging in the yard:

how to stop a dog from digging

Digging is an instinctive habit in hunter group of dog breeds. You can train your fido with a little observation and consistency of command. Hunters are highly trainable dogs. Moreover, dogs have a love for appreciation for each ‘good job done.’ This prior knowledge can make the training process easy.

You have to discourage your pup when he is ‘in the act of digging.’ Your negative command will make him understand your dislike for his digging habit. After a discouraging remark, you can distract him by providing a toy. Be consistent in your commands.

There’s another way for your pooch to continue the treasure hunt without you getting upset. Just install a sandbox in your yard, and hide some toys in it for the dog to dig out. Appreciate him for digging in that spot, so he may learn the right place to dig out all day long.

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Jumping on People:

dog jumping on person

Bad behaviors are unconsciously encouraged in dogs or are a result of being overlooked. Jumping up in excitement is promoted in dogs when they are loved in return for their show of ‘love.’ 

Jumping can be an instinctive way of dominance, too. It appears entertaining and fun at first, but can be threatening for outsiders and visitors. Jumping up of large dogs in excitement is dangerous for you.

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You can train the dog to stop getting over-excited every time you return. Merely put your puppy down and walk away to carry on your work. Reward your dog when your dog is calm. It will help your puppy to understand what’s acceptable and what’s not!

Pulling on the Leash:

dog pulling on leash

If your dog gets excited when he goes out and attempts to lead you by pulling on the leash, you may need these tools to teach loose leash walking, or you have to control the dominant behavior. Make him learn to walk calmly.

For over-excited fido, keep a short yet flexible leash. Whenever the dog pulls on the leash, stop then and there. The dog will turn to see you being motionless and get the signals that his insistence will take him nowhere. If he returns to you, treat him to encourage the proper behavior.

Your lack of awareness of your pet’s behavior can prove dangerous and destructive. Training is a lifetime process, where the dog cannot be ignored for a display of adverse reactions. Dogs, often, indulge in negative responses due to psychological factors like anxiety, fear, depression or physical factors like lack of activity.

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Final Thoughts:

These are the 5 negative behaviors of dogs that need to be controlled. Begin your training of your puppy while it is young. Persistence, time and positive encouragement will ensure you and your puppy have a long happy life. Well behaved dogs are a pleasure to take for walks, camping and your friends place.

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I'm a self-employed blogger, life-long pet parent, and lover of dogs. I have always loved animals, especially puppies. So when my family got our first dog 15 years ago, it was love at first sight. We named her Sassy because she was so small, cute, and had a sassy personality! Once we got her home, I wanted to know everything about caring for her, so I researched online. Eventually, this led me to create the PUPPYFAQS website, where I write about nutrition, health, and care of puppies and the latest news in the world of puppies. In my spare time, I volunteer at my local shelter, which is run by volunteers who are passionate about helping homeless dogs find their forever homes. If I'm not working or volunteering for dogs, you can find me spending time with my family, friends, and my puppy. I have been writing professionally online since 2009. In addition to PUPPYFAQS, I also write for several other pet-related publications.

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