Diabetes in your dog can be very dangerous. Take proper measures, and conscious efforts to avoid diabetes in your dog. You should make all the necessary steps and efforts.
It is crucial that you know how to test blood sugar in dogs and you have all other essential information that you need to be able to provide your dog with proper care that it needs.
The blood sugar disorder known as diabetes is looking out to be on the rise in dogs and other pet animals like cats. Hence, it is essential for all pet owners to have at least the basic idea about how they can spot it, what are the treatment methods and if it is possible to reverse it.
Diabetes is not just the problem of humans, pet animals like dogs and cats are getting diagnosed with diabetes at somewhat shocking rates.
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In all this, the only good news is that a diagnosis of diabetes in your pet is entirely manageable and it is possible for your pet to live a long and healthy life if you take all necessary steps to help it do so.
However, due to some genetic predisposition, your dog has the most significant risk of developing type 1 diabetes, as dogs are rarely seen to have a type 2 diabetes.
Some of the breeds of dogs that are at the top of the list of being diabetes are poodles, beagles, Samoyeds, and dachshunds. They usually start showing symptoms around the age of 7 years or later.
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Diabetes in no way is limited to these breeds only, all dogs are vulnerable to it, and if your dog, no matter of what breed, starts to get lazy and fat, diabetes can be one of the logical explanations.
The symptoms of diabetes in your dog:

- If your dog has developed problems with their blood sugar level, it is likely to get excessively thirsty and also feel the need of urinating more frequently. You may notice that you are refilling its water bowl more often than before and even though your dog has been toilet trained for years, it may now start to have some accidents in the house.
- Another primary symptom of diabetes that you should look out for is sudden weight loss or developing an insatiable appetite. However, it is an even bigger red flag if both symptoms of losing weight and increased appetite happen around the same time. Moreover, if your dog’s mouth smells strange like a nail polish remover when it kisses you, don’t ignore this, it may seem not so important, but diabetic dogs can develop breath that has an odor like that.
- Furthermore, you are also supposed to notice if your dog has shown any significant behavioral changes, for example, if it is quickly getting irritated, is hiding or sleeping a lot. These behavioral changes could be your dog’s way of letting you know that it is not feeling so good.
- If you notice any one or a combination of these symptoms, make sure to visit your veterinarian. Within 24 to 48 hours you will know if your dog has diabetes, through a simple blood and urine test. However, you can ask your veterinarian about how to test blood sugar in dogs to be prepared for any future situation.
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The treatment your diabetic dog needs:

You will have to adopt three major lifestyle changes if your dog is diagnosed with diabetes. These lifestyle changes will play a big part in keeping him healthy and in giving him a chance at having a decent quality of life.
These lifestyle changes are the insulin therapy, making sure they get regular exercise and make necessary adjustments in its diet.
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The Insulin Therapy:
Just like any diabetic person would need insulin injections to manage their diabetes, similarly, your pet can also benefit from the insulin therapy.
Usually, your pet needs two doses of insulin in a day, 12 hours apart, this is often enough to maintain your pet’s blood sugar level.
However, don’t worry too much about the idea of giving your pet shots, unlike what you may think, your dog can learn to go along with them quickly.
Discuss this with your vet, and you can even ask for professional help in few of the practice sessions until you and your dog feel comfortable with this new routine.
Encourage regular exercise:

Your dog will be able to better respond to the insulin therapy if the amount of lean muscle in its body continues to increase.
Try to incorporate more physical activity like walking (refer to this to look for a suitable tool for this task) into his routine, build up its regimen to include 30 minutes of exercise twice a day.
Depending on the breed of your dog, the recommended time of exercise can be more or less. You can discuss this with your veterinarian, to make sure your dog stays energetic and fit.
Fix your dog’s diet:
When it comes to making diet decisions for your diabetic dog, a high-fiber, low-protein diet is best for your puppy.
You can buy specific food items for diabetic dogs by getting prescription from your veterinarian, or you can discuss your dog’s diet with your vet and accordingly prepare homemade, balanced meals for it.
Also, remember that the treats should only make up to 10 percent of your dog’s diet and when buying the treat look for options that list protein as their first ingredient and avoid choices that are too generous with carbohydrates, like wheat and rice, maple syrup or sugar.
However, no matter how hard it is, try to be extra sharp and not get affected by the puppy eyes, which beg for your leftovers, as human food isn’t appropriate according to its recommended diet.
Lastly, remember to be consistent in your efforts as diabetes is not likely to be completely cured but it can only be maintained.
Hence, keep your dog’s regular diet, exercise, and insulin schedule to help it stay as healthy as possible and continue living a decent life.