
Can Dogs Eat Peas: What You Need To Know

can dogs eat peas

Has the thought ever crossed your mind – can dogs eat peas? It is essential for us dog owners to find healthy foods and treats for our pets so that they can enjoy a whole and happy life with us, free from health conditions.

It is, therefore, no wonder that we are curious to know which vegetables are safe for our dogs to eat and if they have any health benefits. In this article, we will take a closer look at peas’ role in a dog’s diet.

In this article, we will discuss:

  • Can dogs eat peas?
  • Are peas safe for dogs to eat?
  • When are peas not suitable for dogs?
  • Are frozen peas safe for dogs?
  • Are canned peas safe for dogs?
  • What are the health benefits of peas for dogs?
  • What are the different kinds of peas that dogs can eat?
  • How to feed peas to dogs?
can puppies eat peas

Can Dogs Eat Peas?

Yes, dogs can eat peas. Peas are high in fiber, minerals, vitamins, and protein. You can feed them boiled, fresh, frozen, steamed peas, but you should avoid canned peas as they may be high in sodium and sugars.

Instead, adding a handful of frozen peas to your dog’s regular meal is an excellent way to make their meals more healthy.

Are Peas Safe For Dogs To Eat?

Many vegetables can be a great healthy addition to our dogs’ diets, and the great news is that peas are one of these vegetables.

Peas are non-toxic for dogs, which means that you can add peas to your dog’s meals or offer them as a treat knowing that you are providing your dog’s body with food that is good for it. 

There may be some circumstances in which peas can pose a safety risk for your dog; however, we will look at these risks in the next section.

When Are Peas Not Good For Dogs?

Depending on your dog, you may need to consider how you feed peas to them. For example, some dogs eat in such a way that may cause a handful of peas to be a choking hazard.

If you have a dog that has eyes that are bigger than its belly, then feeding many peas at once can cause the dog to choke. 

However, if the peas are frozen, which is a popular way to feed peas as a treat to dogs, and if you have a tiny dog, peas will seem considerably larger in their mouths and throats than they would do to a larger dog. The safest way to feed peas to your dog in this situation is one at a time so that your dog isn’t at risk of choking. 

Caution should be taken when feeding pea pods to dogs that tend to swallow food whole, as the pea pods are more likely to quickly get stuck in the dog’s throat, causing them to choke. 

In that case, their gastrointestinal system could be affected, causing your dog to experience discomfort due to gas, along with other digestive issues. 

If you are feeding peas to your dog, the other thing to consider is that you should avoid feeding canned peas, as these are usually very high in sodium, which is not suitable for your dog at all.

can dogs eat peas

Are Canned Peas Safe for Dogs?

As long as your dog doesn’t have kidney issues, peas are an excellent addition to their diet. However, you should still avoid giving them too many peas or large quantities of canned peas containing a high amount of salt and sugar. Canned peas, like many canned goods, also contain a high amount of sodium.

Are Frozen peas bad for dogs?

If you’re worried about giving them too many peas, stick to the high-quality frozen varieties. Frozen peas are best served frozen because cooking changes the nutritional value of peas, rendering them less healthy.

However, you can add a few to your dog’s bowl of food as a tasty way to get them to eat their kibble or mix it into their regular food. 

Peas are healthy foods that provide dogs with plenty of vitamins and minerals, but they also contain some sugar, so too many can lead to health problems, especially in small-breed dogs.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Peas For Dogs?

For healthy dogs, peas are a great addition to their diet. Green peas are an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin K, and also various B vitamins.

Further benefits include magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, and fiber, all of which contribute to a healthy heart, vision, skin, digestion, immune system, and much more. 

Peas are a low-calorie, nutritionally complete dog food that can substitute for commercial dog treats. If your dog needs to lose or gain weight fast because of inactivity, particularly those old or have physical difficulties restricting their ability to walk far.

Do peas cause heart disease in dogs?

Peas are a significant source of dietary dog food ingredients that contribute to an increase in diet-related canine heart disease (DCM) in dogs, according to research published by Tufts University scientists in August 2021.

In the study, there was an association with dog food labeled “grain-free,” They replaced ingredients such as corn, wheat, and rice with legumes or peas. If you’re feeding your dog grain-free food, you should see that the top 10 primary ingredients are not peas.

Avoid peas if your pet has kidney problems

Peas are not advised for dogs with kidney issues. Purines are a type of chemical found in peas that can make your dog sick. If you’re introducing peas, start with a tiny amount and gradually increase it until they’re acclimated to it.

What Are The Different Kinds Of Peas That Dogs Can Eat?

There are many different kinds of peas to choose from when it comes to enriching your dog’s diet.

Here is a list of peas that you can safely feed to your dog:

  • Green peas
  • Snow peas
  • Sugar snap peas
  • Garden or English peas

You can feed all of these different types of peas to your dog in the following ways; fresh and raw, frozen, thawed, steamed, boiled, cooked (without seasoning), and the only rule, as mentioned already, is to avoid canned peas, which are high in sodium and not suitable for your dog’s health.

If you are worried about whether it is safe for your dog to eat the actual pea pods, then keep in mind that it will be safe for your dog if it is safe for humans. 

Therefore, you should shell the garden peas before giving them to your dog. Remember that not all dogs are created equal, and your dog’s digestive system may reject the new food. 

When feeding your dog food for the first time, even a portion of what appears to be healthy and safe food like peas, offer your puppy only tiny amounts at first. After feeding, observe your dog for any adverse reactions such as vomiting or diarrhea.

How To Feed Peas To Dogs

Peas are easy and fun to feed your dog because dogs love them, and you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that you are providing healthy treats. There are many different ways to feed peas to your dog.

The most popular way is to offer single peas to your dog like you would with dog treats. Dogs will accept peas just as readily as commercial dog treats, and because peas are so small and healthy, you can use them as rewards for your dog training sessions. 

Puppies and older dogs usually acquire weight through training sessions since they are given high-calorie training goodies, so if your dog prefers nutritious alternatives like green peas, controlling their weight is a lot easier. 

You can feed fresh, raw, cooked, or frozen peas as training treats, and your dog will appreciate them all the same. Feeding fresh and raw peas provides your dog with the most nutrients. You can also feed cooked peas to your dog as part of their daily meal to add some fiber and extra nutrients to their diet. 

Warm the peas up in a pan or the microwave, steam them to retain more nutrients, and mix them with the dog food. It would be best to keep in mind that dogs do not need a large portion of fruit or vegetables in their diet, as this will take away from the high protein content needed to make up a healthy and balanced diet for dogs. 

A sprinkling of peas in your dog’s bowl should be more than enough. In fact, why not check the ingredients label of your dog’s primary food first, as you may find out that peas are already included in the mixture, mainly if you feed your dog reputable, high-quality dog food. 

If this is the case, you might want to offer a different fruit or vegetable for added variety. An entertaining way of feeding peas to your dog is in a bowl of cold water so that your dog has to “fish” for them. It is a fun game that can provide your dog with plenty of mental stimulation, leaving them feeling happy and satisfied.

Summary: Can Dogs Eat Peas

Peas are one of many vegetables that are perfectly healthy to feed your dog as treats and a much better option than so many of the other treats we are likely to feed our dogs, like dog biscuits, commercial treats, and chews, cheese, etc.

Instead, peas offer a low-calorie option packed with extra nutrients, and the best thing about them is that dogs love peas. So rather than feeding your canned dog peas, give them fresh or frozen peas. You can also feed your dog cooked peas as part of their everyday meal. 

Peas provide a great source of fiber and can help with digestion, ideal for dogs with sensitive stomachs or those prone to digestive problems like diarrhea. Just make sure you do not give your dog too many peas. 

Adding garden peas, snow peas, and sugar snap peas to your dog’s diet as a healthy treat is great for your pet’s health. Other vegetables such as carrotssweet potatoesgreen beans, and apples are great alternatives to processed treats.


I'm a self-employed blogger, life-long pet parent, and lover of dogs. I have always loved animals, especially puppies. So when my family got our first dog 15 years ago, it was love at first sight. We named her Sassy because she was so small, cute, and had a sassy personality! Once we got her home, I wanted to know everything about caring for her, so I researched online. Eventually, this led me to create the PUPPYFAQS website, where I write about nutrition, health, and care of puppies and the latest news in the world of puppies. In my spare time, I volunteer at my local shelter, which is run by volunteers who are passionate about helping homeless dogs find their forever homes. If I'm not working or volunteering for dogs, you can find me spending time with my family, friends, and my puppy. I have been writing professionally online since 2009. In addition to PUPPYFAQS, I also write for several other pet-related publications.

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